The Department of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University is pleased to announce the Neil Postman Graduate Student Conference, to be held on October 27-28, 2022. The conference will be a hybrid event, hosted in person in New York but with an option for remote presentation. Our keynote speaker is Professor Wendy Chun of Simon Fraser University.
Our theme this year is the hinterlands of Media and Technology.
Please join us for a virtual CFP launch event on March 24, 2022, at 12:30 PM EST,
with a discussion of the theme’s relevance for work in different areas of media studies, featuring:
- Lily Chumley, Associate Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU
- Martin Scherzinger, Associate Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU
- Philipp Seuferling, Visiting Researcher at the Dept. of Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU; PhD, Södertörn University, Stockholm
- Ayesha Omer, Postdoctoral Fellow, UPenn Annenberg School of Communications, Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication; PhD, Dept. of Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU (2020)
We invite all prospective applicants and those interested in the theme in general to join this conversation. Opportunities for networking and socializing for graduate students have been limited during the past few years, and we hope this event will allow participants to build an intellectual community and engage in conversations in advance of meeting in person this fall.
Register for the March 24 launch event here.